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The flowering period is the most important period of the entire cultivation cycle for many plants. This Coco Flowering Stimulator has the same good properties as the regular flowering stimulator from Atami, only this variant has been specifically developed for growing on coconut. This will force flowering at an early stage, causing the flowering period to start earlier and eventually to take place longer and more intensively. This Coco bloom stimulator is directly absorbable for the plant and will contribute to an explosive flower production. The buds become thick and compact, but retain their characteristic odor and taste.
Add to the feed water from the flowering period. Can be used daily during the flowering stage when irrigating the crop.
Growing tip
The combination of B'cuzz Booster with this Coco bloom stimulator is highly recommended and will exceed all expectations.
1 ml per liter of water.
Quality guaranteed
Atami's stimulators and liquid power supplies are sealed under the screw cap and packed light-tight, so that the quality is guaranteed.